The Art of Social Conversation三月 25, 2015 For almost a decade social media have been widely used by marketers from various sectors. Social media marketing, however, is sometimes blamed by marketers for not achieving their marketing objectives. In most cases, it’s because marketers or their service providers didn’t fully understand the heart and soul of social media marketing, that’s conversation.Chilli has never deemed social media marketing a technical service. Instead, it requires even more people-to-people communication skill than traditional marketing communication functions.This Feburary Chilli organized a social conversation marketing campaign on Facebook for Romano, a personal care brand from Wirpo Unza. The result was overwhelmingly good.In a nutshell, social conversation marketing is like a derivative of user-generated content (UGC), but in a more moderated and spreadable manner. It also leverages on rapports between participants and their Facebook friends and make the messages flow in a trusted manner. While appropriately incentivized, marketers can have numerous people pro-actively talking about their brand story with their friends and creates further conversations.文章導覽Bedtime StoriesA Product That Creates Its Own Market