Design for Curiosity and Response

三月 19, 2013

Chilli Marketing helped Marvel Digital, a post-production company well known for her proprietary plain-movie-to-3D-movie ripping technology, design her exhibition booth in FilmArt 2013.

The creative strategy is straight forward – to arouse visitors’ interest to enter the “mini theatre” inside the exhibition booth and to maximize collection of contacts during the exhibition.

We adopted a “broadway theatre” exterior design so it could stand out easily from other booths without huge investments in expensive add-on decoration. There’s a small (42in!) 3D LCD TV showing a few trailers too. Once being attracted and entered the “mini theatre” inside, the visitors could see the amazing naked-eye 3D technology at work in a cozy and well set environment, yet before they came out of the “mini theatre” they would pass through a semi-captive area in which they could obtain a souvenir by leaving their name cards.

Simple, workable and mission-oriented, client is happy with the overall creative concept and design and will adapt it for other overseas exhibitions in coming months.